Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sister Betty Conducts Healing Session in Parish

Sister Betty Bautista, a resident of Canada but with ties to our parish, was gracious enough to conduct a healing session for SLRP parishioners last Saturday, March 6.

After the dawn procession and mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she began her healing session with prayer and songs to Mama Mary and the Holy Spirit. Parishioners had to fall in line as Sister Betty conducted her healing with a personal touch. Each one went to the front, and much like a confession or consultation, she asks how you are, what your problems or concerns are, as if it were just an ordinary conversation. And then she interrupts the conversation from time to time and tells you messages from Mama Mary. It is a different kind of healing experience as Sister Betty conducts her session in a very friendly, intimate, personal and low profile manner.

There were many who attended her session that day. And I believe they got their healing....

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