Monday, November 22, 2010

Renewal Of Commitment by Parish Workers

In a fitting affirmation of Christ as the King of the Universe, SLRP parish workers and parishioners held an overnight vigil and procession in honor last November 20-21. The activities begun with the procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the parish church to the convent of the Sister Adorers of the Blood of Christ immediately after the anticipated mass. Upon arrival and after the opening prayer led by Fr. Luke, the overnight vigil began with the different ministries and organizations in the parish assigned an hour of adoration.

At about 2PM of the following day, the Christ the King procession began its journey through the five different areas of the parish. Led by the altar servers, the different ministries and organizations and the parishioners, the 2-hour procession wend its way through Tierra Verde II, St. Dominic IV, UP Professors Subdivision, Dona Faustina Village I, Cruz Compound and finally through Tierra Verde I. The presentation of the lifesize image of the Christ the King and the Blessed Sacrament to all the areas of the parish as the king of the parish was the focal point of the procession.

After the procession, the parish. led by its PPC Chaircouple, Kuya Cesar and Ate Mayette Tiongson, made its act of consecration to Christ the King. This was followed by the renewal of commitment to serve by the parish workers which was led by Fr. Luke in his role as the parish priest and pastor of SLRP.

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