Saturday, November 27, 2010

SLRP Remembers the Dead

This year's month-long remembrance of the dead began with the commemoration of All Saints Day last November 1 with special mass celebrations for the dead. The Worship Ministry, in collaboration with the Parish Youth Ministry, constructed a mini-columbary. Small matchbox-size compartments were overlayed on a black wooden cross. Here the faithful placed the list of their dead relatives and friends and these were prayed over in all masses during the month of November. The mini-columbary was placed inside the church instead of in the Garden of the Resurrection outside the church as was the practice in previous years. On the fourth Sunday of November, when the parish traditionally prays for all those who died and those who celebrate their death anniversaries for the month, all the "columbary" niches were emptied and the lists of the departed relatives were burned in a special ceremony during all masses.

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