The 3rd Diocesan Youth Day of the Diocese of Novaliches, the best and biggest so far, was 3 months in the making, It kicked off with the first general assembly of all youth leaders of our Diocese on October 16, 2011, followed by a lot more meetings, rehearsals, deadlines, and such. The participants who came from all over our diocese, totalled approximately 3,000!
December 10, the big day, started with the usual registration and settling down of all participants inside the Metro Manila College Gym in Jordan Plaines, Fairview Quezon City. At 9AM, we were graced by the presence of our most beloved Bishop Antonio Tobias, who along with Fr. Roland Jaluag, our Diocesan Spiritual Youth Director, and other priests, concelebrated the DYD Holy Mass. Closing the Mass and opening the program was the blessing of the Diocesan Youth Cross by Bishop Tobias. All the 10 Vicariates’ emblems, the Commission on Youth emblem, and the Diocese of Novaliches Youth emblem, were carved around the Cross. This special cross will make the rounds of the Diocese.
We were also graced by the presence of Bro.Obet Cabrillas,a Kerygma preacher, Feastwide Youth and Campus Missions Director, Feast Builder of Manila and Pasig, former “secret weapon” of a fraternity in college, now the “secret weapon” of the Light of Jesus Family. He talked about the beauty of each and everyone, of appreciating one another, of loving God and of being a loving person, of repentance, of encouragement, and of purity.
Lunch time was spent eating while working on our group sharing and reflection on Bro. Obet’s talk. Select youth from the different choir groups of SLRP Parish gave a special number with two songs entitled “Praise the Lord” and “Seasons of Love”. A resounding cheer echoed around the gym as we took our bow.
The day ended with a Taize Prayer headed by the Commission on Youth and the Vicariate Youth Leaders. Everyone danced and cheered with the final song as we felt very special that night.
The 2nd part of the program was the DYD Youth Got Talent portion where the Special Awardees were announced. Our vicariate took home 3 awards, namely, the People’s Choice Award for the Canvass-making, headed by our very own Emman de Guzman and Regine Panajon, the BIDA Awards for Outstanding Vicariates and the most coveted Drum Set for the parish/vicariate that collected the highest amount in coins. Indeed, a great reward for all the hardship we went through during our preparations.
It was a memorable experience for all of us, especially for the Youth of San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish. A first for some, a great experience for all.
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