By Ate Leila Vicente, CatMin
SLRP was a beehive of religious activities in the morning of February 25. While members of the Legion of Mary were saying their 2000 Hail Marys at the Adoration Chapel, and another group of toddlers were being served lunch under the Hapag-asa program, a crowded but happy church witnessed 67 children receive their First Holy Communion within a special Mass celebrated by Fr. Vincent Hermianto, SCJ, guest priest from Indonesia. Forty-five were students of Shining Hope Academy in St. Dominic Subdivision while 22 were from our Sunday School . The Mass was made even more memorable for five First Communicants who served as readers, patiently coached for several days by LECOM member Ate Lyn Coronado.
To further emphasize the importance of parental guidance in a child’s spiritual formation, the parents were invited to an afternoon recollection the previous Saturday while their children went to their First Confession heard by Fr. Luke and by Fr. Vincent . The recollection centered on the critical role parents play in their children’s upbringing as Catholics. It was directed and given by members of the 3 religious communities in our community, namely, Sr. Pilar of the SRA, Sr. Linlee Vios of the ASC and Sr. Salve of the DM.
Of course, no First Communion celebration is without the endless photo-taking from group pictures to individual shots of the First Communicants kneeling before the altar to serve as their memento of the day.
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